Landlord Gateway
For Renters
Resources for Renters
The Landlord Gateway Program centralizes resources to help both current and prospective landlords navigate the Borough’s processes, requirements, and guidance through a single location. The Gateway includes housing-related services and resources from borough & community agencies to help landlords and tenants manage the rental process.
Tenant Rights in PA
Know your rights as a Renter in Pennsylvania.
Consumer Guide to Tenant and Landlord Rights
The Bureau of Consumer Protection, the Civil Rights Enforcement Section, and the Impact Litigation Division of the Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General are pleased to offer this Consumer Guide to Tenant and Landlord Rights in Pennsylvania.
Fair Market Rent
Each year, HUD (Office of Policy Development and Research) conducts a study to determine fair rents. Fair Market Rents (FMRs) are used to determine payment standard amounts.
Make a Budget
A simple and easy to use worksheet allowing you to see how much money you spend in a month. Use this worksheet to help you plan your month-to-month budget.
MJHS Links
For additional resources, please visit the Mifflin-Juniata Human Services Links website at